Scroll down to see a complete preview of all the Electrical CAD blocks included in this library. You will also find CAD Blocks for Reflected Ceiling Plans and a basic Lighting Schedule in AutoCAD. Shared symbol libraries and content files in AutoCAD Electrical 2022 AutoCAD 123K subscribers Subscribe 25 Share 5.3K views 1 year ago How to integrate shared symbol libraries and content. Download the Electrical Symbols Library immediately to get started NOW The electrical switches and electrical outlets are created 9' in length, which means when you plot at 1/4'1-0' the symbols will be plotted to 3/16' length on your sheet. The ArchBlocks AutoCAD Electrical Library has electrical symbols for designing Lighting Plans and Electrical Plans that are required for CAD construction documents. There are 73 CAD blocks of electrical symbols. AutoCAD Electrical Symbols Library Preview